Shop Partner Information

Have a team or organization that you'd love to have branded apparel for?! Have an idea for a collection that you are passionate about?! We are proud of announce our Shop Partner service.
The details:
- A personalized collection on our website with your products
- 50$ set up fee to launch your personal shop page
- Includes 5 products on our website (For example: a t-shirt, a hoodie, a crewneck, a tank top and a tote bag). Each style will be offered in multiple colors and sizes
- 10$ additional per product you wish to add
- Shop partner collection is active for 60 days. After 60 days, you can renew your collection with a 50$ fee right away or at a later date
- Commission/donation option available (payout at the end of the 60 days)
- No refunds/exchanges on products as they are made to order
What RBA offers:
- Graphic designing of the logo/quotes on the apparel
- Collection is live up to 10 business days after deposit is received
- Web designing to launch your collection
- Fulfillment of orders with no work/inventory on your part
- Pick up/shipment directly from RBA to the client
Please contact us to apply.